Monday, March 20, 2017

Keeping My Word to Dad - Finally

It was 20 years ago, more or less.  My dad, Art, was notoriously hard to buy Christmas presents for. You know the type...  Anything he needed, he bought for himself.  Anything he wanted, he already had.

For years and years my dad graciously accepted another flannel shirt, a package of white tube socks, and fishing bait (my father's version of getting a tie). 

When my son, Dylan, was a toddler, I felt sad that my dad had retired from the Glendale Fire Department many years earlier. Unlike my daughter, Dylan wouldn't be able to visit his grandpa at the fire station and experience the (at the time) brotherhood of firefighters.

So, I came up with a very simple little story about a firefighter named Art and his friend, "Red the Fire Truck: A Story of Friendship". My dad was Engineer when he retired. My mother complained until she died that my dad didn't retire as a Captain. My dad knew where he was happiest - behind the wheel of the big red fire truck.

It was Christmas morning when my dad carefully unwrapped what was the first draft of "Red". My young neighbor did some simple illustrations to accompany the story. The book was bound, much like a high school history paper.

Dylan climbed up onto Grandpa's welcoming lap and through tears my dad read the story out loud.
We were all crying. My mom was beside herself with emotions. My dad's lip quivered as he thanked me for his gift.

And then I went home and put the manuscript away into a dusty file cabinet.

My husband, Dave, asked me if he could read "Red" again a little over a year ago. 
"Just let me read it", he replied in annoyance. 

After a few minutes he reminded me that I had made a promise to get the book published before my dad passed away.

Yikes.  My dad had suffered a devastating brain bleed two years before and had cheated death several times since. It never occurred to me that I had broken my word to my dad because the book was literally out of sight...out of mind.

I spent a few days rewriting, editing, and reworking the story. Finally, I handed it back to Dave and asked for his honest opinion.  Now before you think, "yeah right...your HUSBAND will give an HONEST opinion"...
Dave isn't shy about sharing his opinion!  lol

He loved it.  I showed a few other people and the result was the same. "PUBLISH THIS BOOK!"

After prayerful consideration, I contacted Mike Kilgore - an artist I "met" and knew through Facebook.

"Hey Mike - would you be interested in doing a children's book?"

Long story short, he was interested. He read the manuscript and immediately had visions for "Red" that inspired me! 

His work is beautiful and he's invested a TON on energy, talent, time...
you get it, right?

He is almost done illustrating "Red".

And my dad is hanging in there.

Red the Fire Truck: A Story of Friendship is dedicated to my dad, Art “Lightening” Voltz, firefighters worldwide, their families, and all little boys and girls who dream of being heroes.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Debi, that is so heart-warming and special!! Can't wait to get the book for my great grandsons!! (Your cousin "down South")??


Keeping My Word to Dad - Finally

It was 20 years ago, more or less.  My dad, Art, was notoriously hard to buy Christmas presents for. You know the type...  Anything he n...